
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Change of Heart

I tell you I had no idea I would be so wishy washy when I got these chickens. I guess it is my nature to over protect and hem and haw over things. I am feeling my way. Thank God for Kris from Simplify. She is there for me everyday with my questions.  I wasn't going to let the girls "free range" cause of our big dog's excitability when she sees them but after e-mailing Kris I just thought what the heck. Our yard is small and manageable for watching them. I put the dog in her kennel and let them out. It was a delight. They circled the yard twice. I think I will start introducing the dog on her leash to them. Gauge her interest that way with my husband holding her. She has never hurt any of our other animals and we have a six pound chi, but chickens flap and do other silly things that may be fun to chase. Scary. I will let you know how it goes.

Always together. They do not like to be separated. Once flower muffin found herself on the other side of the fire pit and the squawking that ensued. Poor baby. She ran right back to her sisters.

Chicken butts!!!

Sunflower seeds are a real favorite. We ate some, they ate some.

Everyone out in the yard playing. Thank goodness for the sun today. I think sometimes with each new type of animal I get there is a time period of adjustment. My mom did not like animals and the bother and I only ever had one cat growing up. Not my kids. We have two dogs, two cats and now four chickens. Organized chaos all the time around here.

Now I am thinking of getting a new coop to have the chickens in the yard and not around the corner. I hate not seeing them but I will sit on it for a few days and see if I change my mind. My darling hubby says, "Whatever makes you happy." Oh music to a woman's ears. He deserves cookies for that. Or he is sick of chicken talk. One may wonder.


  1. My friends have chickens that free range every day and love it. So much fun to watch them.

  2. A smart hubby you have,, if mama aint happy, nobody's happy. I think you should make him a cake today. So cute to see the chickens walking all over the yard.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  3. Aw-good for you for letting your kids experience all those animals. I grew up on a farm and had lots of "pets". Your chickies are sooooo cute! xo Diana

  4. I always admire families, particularly mothers who expose their children to animals at home. I guess, its better than keeping kids in computer and video games. It gives them a real opportunity to experience the real nature.

  5. My husband sometimes says 'whatever makes you happy' but it's said with a resigned sigh.:)

    I think you are wise to be careful with the chickens and dog. The flapping could be too much to resist. xx

  6. I grew up with a dog, cat and 3 horses-so I do love pets. We have a lab now and he's messy, but part of the family! I just love those little chickens, what a great experience for your girls. Your husband sounds like a great guy! Enjoy your weekend!

  7. The best part about having the chickens loose in the yard is they will eat every grub out of your grass! That stops the raccoons and skunks from digging holes in it. You have the best kind of husband! ~ Maureen

  8. Hi Elaine,
    The chicks look so cute free ranging in the yard. And little Q looks like she "mothering" them right along with you. I really think you will get a lot more enjoyment out of them if they are where you can see them. Just think of the nutrients they are getting by being allowed to forage for bugs and grass. Not to mention the sunshine that is needed for healthy egg production! Another bit plus is the fertilizer that they are leaving behind on the lawn!!
    I hope you come up with the perfect solution that suits you. Also, the big dog, the one you are worried about...may not actually try to kill them, but could possibly kill them accidentally just by playing with them. Birds are not very hearty creatures. I am happy that I have been able to help a little.
    : ) Kris

  9. I would have to have chickens in the yard because they are so fun to watch. Think of all those bugs they can eat there. Love the chicken butts shot!

    I'd be extremely cautious with the big dog...

  10. How wonderful that they can roam about. I can't let mine out of the coop due to chicken hawks :( I really wish I could.

  11. Hope it works out. I have horror stories when I was a kid with our chickens and dogs. I think if it is in them to herd,they may do that. Yet, I know many people with dogs and chickens and they do fine. Unless it is just the dogs disposition. I wouldn't trust a dog right away if it is a hyper dog...they may wish to play with what is moving out there, out of instinct or out of play not realizing what they are doing it can go into attack mode, but hopefully just curiosity. Thank you also for your sweeet prayers. P.S The girls have goodness they lost all their baby fluff...That was fast! Hugs, Mica

  12. Your ladies must be in heaven running to and fro investigating the whole wide world. How delightful!

  13. Such a cute post. I want a chicken so bad. We live in San Diego and I'm going to check to see if we can. Love this post and would love if you would share on Simple & Sweet Fridays. I'm a New Follower. Can't wait to read more of your site.


  14. Our dogs don't mess with our chickens.
    Does that mean I trust 'em? No Way!
    But they all seem to get along.
    My one dog did get a mouth full of chicken feathers ONE TIME...the only reason she is still breathing is because I saw what had happened. The chickens went into HER YARD and were eating HER FOOD. She is quite picky about her food. We don't let the kids outside with food for that reason.Because, well, ...she's a dog. And has dog -qualities.

    I bet if y'all are outside together...everybody will get along just fine. They (chicks) are fun to watch as they move about the yard. I bet they like the stretch too!

  15. HI Elaine, this is great. They look like they are doing well. I love our chickens and the eggs can't be beat. I hope the dog gets used them.

  16. You are having too much fun with those chickens! LOL! Your daughter is so cute with them and they're darn cute too! What a great hubby you have...I never heard that...that could be why I'm divorced! LOL! Good luck with the animal farm!

  17. I enjoy reading the on-going saga of your life with chickens. How fun to see them out and about.
    Hugs, Cindy

  18. So fun seeing them wondering about.

    - The Tablescaper

  19. It would be nice to have them penned in an area where you can see them. When I was a kid, both of my grandmothers had chickens but not in the yard where we played. (You'll find out it can be a problem for kids and chickens to be in the same grassy area.) I think you have a wonderful husband...I'm glad I do, too! Enjoy your weekend, my friend!

  20. Your chickens look very happy. We let our chickens out to run the yard every once in a while. Unfortunately, our dog is a lab-brittany spaniel and he has hunting inbread. So we just let the chickens out and he has to stay in the house. Have fun with them ~ they are so much fun ;-)

  21. The chicken butt photo is classic. It would make a great blog header :)

  22. We introduced our dog slowly, while outside. She's fine now, and if she chases them- bam it's back inside! We built our coop where you can see it from the kitchen and living room, since it's nice to enjoy the show!

  23. My daughters chickens free range. I think it makes them better layers. One of their dogs wouldn't stop chasing the chickens, so she keeps him inside when they are out. :)

  24. These pictures are sweet....This is how life should be! Families enjoying the simple things of life.
    Have a wonderful Sunday.

  25. We have a lake home on weekends. We had a goose couple that I loved dearly. Each weekend I would run to see them. They were there for some years. One day my husband sadly told me he found feathers and bones. No geese. During the week our next door neighbor found two large dogs attacking and killing them. I grieved so much. I know you love the dog and the chickens...just be careful. Sometimes being protective is good. Also, my parents live next door to a family who had a chicken. It flew over the fence and lived in their yard. They loved it. Then it just one knows why..but they do fly. Just things to think about.

  26. He's a gem, what a sweetheart.

    Love those chicken butts, so fluffy, and unselfconscious. Must be fun having them wander around.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  27. I'm enjoying reading about your chickens--we can't have them in town, but I hope someday to live out where I can get a few. My sister just got 6 chicks, so it's fun to watch her experience too.

  28. It sounds like your chickens have a good life at your place ;) :) They are cute...and fluffy chicken butts are just funny to look at ;) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  29. Aren't they gorgeous! I love the soft clucking sound chickens make and they are so fun to watch in the yard. I was worried about our cats when we got our first bunch of chickens but after approaching a hen they were surprised and frightened when she charged them, wings out and feathers fluffed to make herself look bigger. We laughed so hard at those cats! They never approached the chickens again!

  30. Oh, how fun to let them run around. I want chickens in a way, but our yard is not fenced and I am not sure what Bailey would do. She chases everything out of our yard when she goes out.

  31. Fun post! Love your little feathered girls and your daughter is a cutie! :-) Visiting you from Savvy Southern Style. I'm now following and look forward to seeing more of your delightful blog!

    I would also love to have you share your girls at our Rockin' Pet Linky Party next week!

  32. Those look like four of the happiest chickens I've ever seen. What a great life for them! :-)
