
Monday, August 12, 2013

Summer's End

Around here, though the days are still warm, summer is officially over. School starts this week. Daily carpool, making lunches, more routine. I am sad.

A final week at the beach is over. No more toes in the sand.

No more hanging out with these guys.

The sun has set on the lazy days of summer. Days my car never left the driveway. Oh, I am gonna miss those days. School supplies have been bought, lunch supplies stocked up.
Farewell summer. Until next year.

Do you feel a little sad when summer is over? Or are you happy to see the school buses rolling again?


  1. Not having any children in school now makes it difficult to say whether I am ready for summer to be over or not. I used to cry every year the first day of school when my little boy went off to school. His Junior year, he said, "Mom, are you really going to cry this year?" I was just always sad to see him go back to school. It meant another year older, another grade higher and him closer to leaving home.

    Your beaches are beautiful!


  2. Enjoy your last days of summer and hope the girls have a super first day back at school :) MY oldest Granddaughter is the only one in school so far and she starts next Monday <3

  3. No, I hate it when my children go back to school. I love spending all my days with them & my husband.

    I share your sadness at the end of the summer x

  4. I thrive on routine, so I look forward to that, but I do miss my little girls so much once they're gone. We have one last hurrah in Cape Cod before we start the new school year. I'll drink up the last few days of summer . Lx

  5. since I have no school kids any more my sadness comes from the change in weather and the length of the days. we are getting darker earlier and the nights are getting cooler getting us ready for when it is dark by 4pm and the snow is piling up outside.

  6. I love summer so I'm sad when this time of year comes. I liked it better when school didn't start until September.

  7. I grew up in a vacation lake town and always felt such twangs of saddness when summer was meant things would get so quiet (read: boring!)

    Remember that song Boys of Summer by Eagles' Don Henley when he went solo?
    That song nailed it so well:

    "Nobody on the road, nobody on the beach, feel it in the air, summer's out of reach. Empty lake,empty streets, the sun goes down alone...."

    Yes, I always feel sad when summer is over.

  8. I grew up in a vacation lake town and always felt such twangs of saddness when summer was meant things would get so quiet (read: boring!)

    Remember that song Boys of Summer by Eagles' Don Henley when he went solo?
    That song nailed it so well:

    "Nobody on the road, nobody on the beach, feel it in the air, summer's out of reach. Empty lake,empty streets, the sun goes down alone...."

    Yes, I always feel sad when summer is over.

  9. I used to be sad when summer was over and school would start up for my kids. Always so much hustle and bustle after a couple of months of tranquility. Looks like you had a nice beach stay and the weather the last few weeks has just been fantastic, hasn't it? Ann

  10. I feel a LOT sad when summer is over. I did love the excitement of school starting up again but I missed those lazy days of summer when my kids were young! xo Diana

  11. It is sad that summer is over for you and the kids will be back in school and then the hustle bustle of getting everyone ready for the day. For me, no kids in school so sumer isn't officially over until September 21 and I'm not rushing it! I get sad when the days get shorter and it gets dark earlier. I need light! Lucky you to be close to ocean water. Here in Michigan we have lots of fresh water and beaches!

  12. September is my favourite month. And last year I added August to this list too. No, I am not sad because fall is a wonderful season with sunny days, cooler nights, dry air where you have a fantastic view. My low point is the end of October.

  13. We homeschool, so I am blessed to have my lil' guy with me. When he was in public school, we used to bake a cake for the first day of school, that seemed to make it a little better...

    We are happy to see summer go, although for us, that won't be until the end of September. It stays hot here that long.
    You are making great memories with your family...

  14. Hard to believe it's a wrap soon here too. Been a fast summer indeed. Enjoy the rest.

  15. No school here until the very end of August / beginning of Sept :)

  16. My Julia (14) is so ready for High School. Nothing really changes for us. She'll still have her Wednedsay night Youth Group. Sunday 8am bible study, 9am church service, 11am Youth Service, 4:30pm small group. I have just her and I'm still car pooling all summer!
    I bet she will miss sleeping in! What is sleeping in again?

  17. I get very sad when summer ends. I love the lazy days of having no place to be but the beach.
    My daughter goes back September 9.
    She likes staying up late and sleeping in.

  18. I am always sad at the end of summer. Although I love Autumn, I know it means winter is not far behind. Why is it that summer slips by so quickly. xo Laura

  19. I am sad that's summer is ending. I love Autumn, but it is a very short season and then cold and dark set in for what seems forever. I love long days and summer nights, and fireflys. I haven't even been tot he beach yet! Summer has flown, but I intend to enjoy every last moment that is here.
