
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Getting the Little Coop Ready

I am cleaning and prepping the coop for the new arrivals. I will pick them up Monday. I was hot and spritzing but I did not care. I missed my chicken chores. I loved tending to my girls.

I took Q to the feed store Friday and had not told her anything in case plans fell through but we shopped and looked at all the animals like we always do and when I was paying for my feed and scratch, she asked me who the food was for? I bent down and whispered in here ear that we were getting new chickens in a few days and I so wish you could have seen her face. It was so beautiful. The hugest grin you ever saw. She has already decided one of them will be hers and be named Cupcake. As it should be.

I have not totally decided if I will keep them in the newer coop or in the first coop we built. The first one has a totally enclosed run which I love but it is behind the garage which I hate. I want to see them and have them see us and have it a nice place to play with them. The new coop has a small run you can see which I think will be fine for now but there is no way they can roam the outer run as it is not covered and they could squeeze through.

The chicks are six week old bantams and being smaller the run of the new coop I think will be fine. I'd like to avoid the need to adjust them from one to the other as well.

A little more scrubbing of the feeder and waterer and I will dust the webs of the coop and I will be ready.


  1. I am so glad that the chicks are coming back. I felt so bad for you when you had to give them up.

  2. Oh how fun . Bet you really missed your other ones a lot.

  3. Wonderful, absolutely wonderful :) xxx

  4. I know you and Q are thrilled about getting the new chicks. I don't know a thing about Bantams. So I'll be following this "Simple" little adventure.

  5. Oh, I'm so happy you're getting some more chicks! I know you and Q loved them so much.

  6. You sound so excited to be getting another one. I hope your neighbor moved out of the area.

  7. How fun for you and the family!! Nice chicken coop!

  8. How exciting! I am so happy that you are gonna have some sweet little cluckers around again- xo Diana

  9. How fun to have chickens. Other bloggers have been talking about how much they love their chicks. Cupcake is a perfect name.

  10. So excited for you and Q!!!!
    xo Kris

  11. So excited for you ... and Q!

  12. Excited for you....yet think more excited for all of us!

  13. Yay!!! I am so happy new chicks are coming to your home! I know you missed them and I missed your stories! Can't wait to meet Cupcake for sure!


  14. Yay! So glad you are getting chickens again.

  15. Hi Elaine, I'm just catching up after 10 days away and I am so excited to hear you are getting new chickens! We had Bantams one year and they are such adorable little things. I can't wait to see them!

  16. I'm so excited for you that you're getting chickens again! :-)
