
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Heavy Rain in SoCal

It seems the heavy rain of the last few days is winding down. We had almost four inches near my house and boy was it glorious. I will take it however it comes. The garden is going to burst from all this beautiful rain.

Our backyard had a hard time draining fast enough with our clay soil. It was about five inches deep out in the chicken run. Fortunately the chicken coop area is up in the planter and stayed dry.

Here I am peaking out from my bedroom at the coop on Friday. You can see the yard was mostly flooded. My poor chihuahua did not like doing her business in this water but she was a toughy and managed.

We passed the time indoors with paper sack puppet shows.

I also noticed all my Instagram photos yesterday were about food I was eating. Uh-oh. Rainy weather does make me want to nosh all day under the blankets watching T.V. But for dinner hubs and I went to my favorite shop and out for some Mexican. It was SOOOO good.

 But the one downside. My poor white conchin has very muddy feathers. I am heading out soon to clean up a bit in the run and throw down some dry hay to keep them a little dryer. They loved all the worms they were feasting on though. Chickens are amazingly happy resilient little creatures, ducking in the coop when it poured and finding spots to scratch in between downpours.


  1. The rain was glorious!! My coop is dry, but the run is like quick sand!! I need to go throw down dry hay too! I am getting nearly a dozen eggs a day!!
    Miss you

  2. I loved the rain even though we have been wet since Wednesday. I was so productive and the garden looks so fresh. Yesterday morning we were caught by the rain on our beach walk. The waves were so huge that they were coming across the sand and crashing onto the houses. We don't see that often.

  3. I've been watching this on TV weather! You're really getting drenched! Glad your chickens are safe.

  4. So glad the rain finally came. We have gained weight all Winter staying inside and am stuck inside again for 3 days. Your garden and yard pictures cheer us all up around here.

  5. We got about an inch and a half yesterday, first since Thanksgiving, so it was fabulous for us too. So glad you all got some wonderful rain, so badly needed. Hugs, Marty

  6. We're getting rain right now, and it's finally cool outside again. LOVE it!

    And I don't know... your chicken looks pretty clean even with all the rain. She looks cleaner than even one of my dogs that got a bath only yesterday. ;o)

    And Mexican food sounds so yummy. I haven't had it in a while. (It fills me up something miserable, but it sure tastes good!)


  7. Your dinner looked delish. Glad you were able to get out while he was home. xo

  8. Good to hear from you! Glad to see CA is getting some much-needed rain. Winter has finally arrived up in Oregon too. We're finally getting a decent snowpack. And I really don't mind the rain.

  9. We need rain(Texas) so badly it could rain for days and not be enough. We are freezing again today and it is sleeting.

  10. Yay for rain! We always celebrate rain here too. Enjoy the rewards...

  11. So glad that you are getting rain. So sorry for those that are getting too much rain.
    We have a well so we welcome rain whenever it comes. But instead we are getting more and more snow.
    Your sunny pictures look so different than what we see when we look out.
    I liked your last post about the little gardens. I was online looking for fairy garden house. They have some that are pretty reasonable. But they didn't tell you the size. I splurged on a new item for a new fairy garden. I did shop around online to get the best deal BUT it was still more than what I should have spent. I can't wait to start the fairy gardens.
    Stay dry and I hope the rain is a help not a hinder.

  12. I am so glad you got a good rain, although I have heard some pretty scary stories of others who got too much and suffered flooding. This will make the garden so happy!

  13. Wow - that's a lot of rain. We're still getting snow here. Mexican food sounds really good right about now.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Glad you got the rain but sorry it all came at once. Hopefully you got enough to help with all of the wild fires out there.

    Keep those chickens safe!!


  16. I can remember how quickly it would flood when I lived in So. Cal. I would definitely take a nice winter rain over yet more snow. Glad that your chickens can stay dry. xo Laura

  17. We sure got a downpour here but it only lasted one day. So happy about everything getting really green. Once Ranger figured out that the rain wasn't going to hurt him, he spent all day in it. Completely muddy. He remembered he was a lab after all.

  18. Oh Happy Day that you finally got the blessing of rain, but know that it came way too heavy at the time. I guess I could safely say that we all like those soft soaking rains that don't try and wash away everything. I love those hens. They are fun to watch and do earn their keep. I'm so glad for you to be able to have them again.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  19. We were so glad to hear that you guys got rain, and I'm glad you didn't have any flooding damage to your property. We are still under snow here and very cold.
    I didn't see your garden post until this morning. I love what you do with the succulents. They make great containers.

  20. We got some of that refreshing rain on Saturday here in Az!
