
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Open Shelf Pantry Storage Ideas

I have been trying to rethink how I work in my kitchen and one idea was to use my little white shelf in a more functional way. Open shelf pantry storage while still looking pretty was something I really wanted to try.

Usually full of nick knacks, I pulled everything off the old vintage shelf, wiped it all down and pulled out every storage item I could find that was semi-attractive. One by one I have been filling them with pantry staples and clearing my cupboards of much needed space.

I very much want to have one cupboard dedicated to all my baking pans and supplies and this will now free up that space.

chicken canisters

Farm fresh for sure. I love the feel of farmhouse kitchens. I am always looking at them online. To me they evoke a feeling of comfort and stability. Been there a long time kind of mood.

I kept most decor on the walls here but have now really freed up kitchen counter space too.

Let me know what you think. I love the look of open shelf pantries in pretty jars and containers don't you?


  1. This is so cute, I love all the pops of color... Cathy

  2. I love every stinkin inch of it Elaine! I have pinned it for inspiration :-)

  3. It is so fun to see all the vintage kitchen utensils! Makes me appreciate my electronic kitchen gadgets even more!

  4. I love the look and anytime you can free up storage space, that is a real bonus. Hugs, marty

  5. Kitchens are always a work in progress. I move stuff around in mine all the time. Everything looks so fresh and cute at your house.

  6. You have inspired me to do something with the "milk cupboard". It's where I keep the milking supplies. I hope it will turn out as beautifully as yours. Thanks for the inspiration. I also pinned it.

  7. I love the look of open storage space and it is so much more convenient. xo Laura

  8. That looks great - I really like the pops of red too.

  9. I think it looks great! Nice storage and still pretty with all the colored glass jars...and I've always loved those canisters. Extra storage space is always something I'm searching for. I really love that farm fresh tray on the wall too! So cute:>)

  10. I love this look. I would love to be able to have open shelves. I really like your chicken sign over the self.

  11. Love this look. I really love the farm house kitchen look too. They're just so homey.

  12. They are pretty to look at but my kitchen is not very big so I like to cram as much in as I can, so best behind closed doors.

  13. Love it! But, then again I LOVE EVERYTHING you do!!!

  14. Very, very nice! I love how bright and cheerful it is. And I think open shelves just scream "farmhouse"!

  15. I love open shelving too. I have my dried goods in containers on an open shelved unit in my kitchen. But the containers are not all as pretty as yours. Mostly glass containers so that I can see through them to know what is inside the container.
    xo Kris

  16. What a great idea! And you've found such attractive containers, too...

  17. Hi Elaine! I just love it!
    Be a sweetie,

  18. LOVE it all! I have a red Kitchen and Love anything and everything red in the Kitchen!!


  19. These are such neat ideas!

    Again, thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

  20. I love all the color Elaine. It looks great.

  21. While pretty, I've never liked the idea of open self storage shelving units.At the very least there have to be pods or containers of some sort to keep the dust out.
