Thursday, July 14, 2011

Window Washing Day

I am a little behind on my yearly window washing routine. Now I clean my windows more than once a year but annually we go through all the windows and hose the house down and take off the screens and scrub them and then do the windows up all clean and shiny. I don't love this chore so I break it up into four days.

Each morning the girls and I do a side of the house. One daughter does the screens with Softscrub and scrub brush and one does the inside of the windows while I do the hosing down and the cleaning of the outside. For cleaning the windows the most economical way is to use vinegar and water and old towels and rags. Costs next to nothing to clean them this way. Just some time and sweat.


  1. That window looks sqeaky clean! I found a tip for cleaning screens that works really well for me. Murphy's Oil Soap in a bucket of hot soapy water does the trick realy well. Have fun cleaning!

  2. Girl, I need you here! My windows need cleaning so bad...but I just can't do them by myself. I love clean windows. Really, I do need to wait till after monsoon season. It would be a wasted effort!

  3. With so many bugs committing suicide on the windows and screens, it just isn't worth it for me, this time of year. Yours look awesome!

  4. thanks for the vinegar tip! That stuff works for everything! hahaha

  5. wow, thats team work for sure!!I love sparkling clean windows,

  6. What a great system and team you have there! This is our monsoon time, so not a good time to be washing windows.

  7. I love sparkly windows....mine are not there! Hugs

  8. Clean windows let so much more light in. I love your plantation shutters :D

  9. Good for you! I used to do that, but it takes way more energy than I have now, so I don't do all of the window and siding washing anymore.
    I took a look at the photos of your kitchen, it is just darling! I love your ovens, they must have been made very well for them to still be functional.
    Hugs, Cindy

  10. Oh, just cleaned windows is one of my favorite things. I haven't bought a window cleaning products since about 2000. I use vinegar and water too. I do add a teaspoon of dish detergent to the mix. This is such an easy thing to make and works great and costs pennies that it always surprises me that everyone doesn't do it. Thank you for joining TTF. A perfect thrifty tip! Have a wonderful day!

  11. They look so clean! Vinegar is so good for so many things, we all just forget, or at least I do. I just need those kids to help me! LOL

  12. I have to pay someone to clean mine, so they do not get it as often as they should. I have the old fashion storm windows that are a pain to get on and off.

  13. Eeeek! Hate to admit it, but windows are ONE of the things I put off. Now I feel guilty, better add it to my list! :)

  14. This is "Working Together"

    Cleaning windows can be a glad I was able to miss it this year...We replaced all the windows in the house, lucky me!

    Have a sweet evening..

  15. Great advice. I definitely don't clean my windows enough :)
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Now that's how to make a chore fun - getting help from your girls.

  17. inspired me, Elaine. Time to clean my windows so they look sparkly like yours! :) Now....if I could just find some help....

    xoxo laurie

  18. Wonderful idea!~ We were just getting ready to clean our windows too. Thanks for linking it up!

  19. I still wash my windows with vinegar and water and dry them with newspapers...a tip my Grandmother taught me. Polish them up at the very end with a wadded up dry newspaper page and they turn out shiny and lovely.

  20. Elaine, your window looks lovely and clean.
    Not a job I've ever relished lol!
    But I handle it better these days than in the past, when I used chemicals and became sensitive to bleaches and ammonia.
    Windex and I are mortal enemies!!
    Thanks for linking this to Simple Days :-)
    God bless you..Trish
