Friday, November 30, 2012

A Most Wonderful Day

Yesterday was one of those wonderful days where you put your mind to something and with little distraction you get loads of stuff done. I LOVE those days. I do NOT get many of them but that is okay. I love the hum of my busy family and would rather be mom than anything else.

My hubby is out of town for six days. Too long. I miss him so. I decided I would really get the house cleaned and hit the decorating. Usually we do it together but I don't want his one day off this week to be spent working. I want it done and nice for him when he comes home. I just feel so content after a productive day.
Walking in my kitchen, all decorated for Christmas, the glowing lights just fills my heart.

I love Christmas. It is magic time. I think my grandma started it all for me. She would come and visit and sleep in my room and just spoil me with attention. She was a grand lady.

My littlest is at the magical Christmas age. She is so excited and wondering every day if it is Christmas yet. Wanting to know how on earth Santa is going to fit down our chimney. The lies I am spinning to answer her questions but the joy I feel at the magic she sees with all the lights. Each house we drive by sends up the words, "Oh mommy look at this and that." Just magic. Turn off all your lights except the Christmas ones and you will see the magic too.

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  1. Your decorations look so pretty ! Nothing better than being a mom ! Have a great weekend !

  2. I went around early this morning turning on all the Christmas lights - it is magical :-)
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Wow! I can just feel the Christmas spirit in your house. Enjoy the season Elaine!

  4. I giggled at your post. I have a 4year old step daughter who is very inquizative about Santa this year. She wonders the same thing - how is jolly Santa going to fit down our chimney and come out our fireplace. I tell her he can because of Christmas magic. Now everything is because of Christmas magic lol. She cracks me up!
    Your home looks lovely! I love the ambience! :)

  5. I love the nighttime shots, Elaine. I know Mr. Sunny will be so happy to come home to a clean and decorated home. I hope you have a fun weekend with your girls!

  6. Elaine-- Everything looks so nice. I don't know about you but I can get so much done when my hubby is gone and I can have the house to myself for a few hours. Looks like you got A LOT done- everything looks very pretty- xo Diana

  7. So warm and inviting! There's nothing like the warm soft glow of Christmas lights!

  8. Your words are exactly the way I feel at Christmas-time! I love to sit at night with my hubby and have all the lights off except fo twinkle ones, and it's magical! That's really great your Grandma instilled a real tradition and love for it! I always love your Christmas decor! I can't tell you how similar my kitchen decor is to yours with the Gooseberry cookbooks, and gingerbread boy tree! Take care while your Love is away! :)

  9. Awww, this is so sweet! Christmas is a magical time for adults and kids alike :)

    Last night my husband worked really late so I was able to get a LOT done that I had been neglecting for a while. Felt so good!

  10. The lights are my favorite part of Christmas. When the kids were littler we would pack all six of us (I have four stepkids) up with hot chocolate and drive around just looking for the best Christmas lights.

  11. Elaine, I still remember how magical it was in your home when I was there at this time last year!!! Q must be just like our three grands~~ They are SO excited!!!
    XO Kris

  12. I love Christmas. It is my favorite time of year. I have started decorating. Be I am doing a little less. Last year my kids said I over do it. That the house looked like a Christmas store. Funny they don't seem to mind the cookie and candies that go with it. LOL

  13. How nice to make your home a welcoming place for your husband!

    Christmas is going to be low key this year due to upcoming shoulder surgery, but it might be a blessing in disguise! A nice chance to slow down and appreciate the season!

  14. I love the way your kitchen looks with all the Christmas decor and the soft glow. I would love to have nice deep windowsills like that in my kitchen, so i could keep my potted herbs in there over the winter.

  15. Your house is looking so warm, cozy, and Christmassy! I'm sure your hubby will love it. Have a great weekend!

  16. I love this magical time of the year, too!!! Your decor is very pretty, and you are such a wonderful example of a wife and mother, I always appreciate what you say about being a wife, especially.
    Hugs, Cindy

  17. Love the Christmastime glow. Your house looks pretty! Jean

  18. Such pretty decorations! I agree that Christmas is magical when little ones are around. My son is almost 22 (waah!), so I guess I'll have to look forward to having a grandchild (or grandchildren) someday to make it all magical again.

  19. I love the glow my home gets from the Christmas decorations! Hugs, Linda

  20. What a magical wonderland you have created for your family, Elaine. I can just imagine the sweet questions and excitement your little Q is experiencing.

    I love all the twinkle and whimsy of your beatutiful decorations. Isn't it fun the first night when darkness arrives and the lights shed their warm glow on everything.

    Blessings and safety while your husband is away. Mine just returned from nine days back East. It's good to have him home!

  21. Love the warmth that Christmas lights bring!
