Thursday, December 20, 2012

December SoCal Garden

Hey can you believe I have tomatoes? Happens every once in a while where we don't have temps too low. I can pick until Christmas. Amazing. We were pretty cold last night so we will see what is out there this morning. These plants are just volunteers that came up from seeds dropped last summer.

I have kept the garden very full this winter to keep weeds down.

Nasturtiums roaming are threatening to take over.

Look I still have a pumpkin growing and somehow a couple stocks of corn are popping up.

So here is what I am harvesting this month:
Swiss chard
bok choy
collard greens
bell peppers

Sharing with:
Home Sweet Home
Favorite Thing Saturday
Weekend Whatever


  1. Nice! I am in southern Wisc and we are in the midst of a blizzard, should have a foot of new snow by this evening :)

  2. Yummy tomatoes! Thanks for stopping by, Elaine :) Merry Christmas to you too! Seasons Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  3. Your pumpkin and swiss chard are beautiful! We have dropped into the upper 20's a couple of times this season, so my tomatoes finally bit the dust -- I did pick a few Romas last week. The bell peppers long went bye bye, but I have collards, chard, lettuce, kale, carrots. I do have to cover them (well, not the kale) periodically and uncover when we get a warm stretch, which gets a little tedious.

  4. Oh our garden is doing really well too. We have lettuce onions, radishes, cauliflowr, broccoli and some chard. Love it all. Your garden looks amazing. Hugs, Marty

  5. It's so hard for me to imagine it being that warm somewhere right now! Wow, you have a nearly year-round garden, how I wish I could have juicy ripe tomatoes all the time. The hard ones in the grocery store this time of year are staying there, if it's up to me. Enjoy your warm weather, we're drinking hot chocolate here today. Mary

  6. I'm in London, Ont. and while its getting colder, it's still all green!! We'll see if we have a White Christmas! :)

  7. How wonderful! What a great place to live. The pumpkin and corn are a nice surprise as well. xo

  8. Wonderful Elaine. My BIL is growing collards and other greens here.

  9. Oh my goodness I'm jealous! I can't believe you have such a beautiful garden in December! Amazing:>)

  10. I am so envious of your garden. It would be so nice to still have a garden looking like that. Enjoy!


  11. Jealous!!!! It is blizzarding ( is that a word?? LOL) here in missouri!!! I had to bundle up to do chicken and bunny chores and even then it took awhile to thaw out when i came in!! I love your blog!
    JL~ @ Fruit Tree Hill

  12. As we are about to get bombarded with snow, I am so jealoous looking at your garden...especially that tomato. Enjoy!

  13. Your garden looks great! Your tomatoes look yummy, I'd probably pick those off and just eat them standing right there. Nothing is growing in the gardens here anymore. Winter has arrived.

  14. I also live in California. But we live in the mountains ,where it gets cold and snowy in the winter. Wish I could harvest till Christmas. Your garden looks great.

  15. What a sight for winter-sore eyes!

  16. Amazing Elaine! Next year, and I am going to try to make my garden linger on.
    xo kris

  17. LOL you have tomatoes and I have snow. But I am HAPPY to have the snow since its our first real snowfall this year and I have all of my groceries, Christmas gifts etc here and don't have to work tomorrow or drive in it etc. LOVED looking at your garden more snow after this and I'll be longing to grow things again. Never satisfied :)

  18. My gardens looks a lot like yours. I live along the Texas Gulf Coast but the last few nights it got down into the 30's just above freezing


  19. You lucky, how wonderful your garden looks!

    We're in WLA and we had a tomato plant reseed itself - we're new to this, will it bear fruit again? :)

    Merry Christmas!

  20. This is when I wish I was back living in Southern California! I'm jealous. It's gray around here and of course, nothing is growing!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week, my friend. I'm really liking the new look of your blog!


  21. How lucky you are to have that amazing weather! Have a happy New Year.

  22. Elaine, your garden is beautiful. I'm so jealous!! LOL, I miss my garden so much and cannot wait for spring. Enjoy, you lucky devil! Hugs...

  23. Love all my volunteer tomato plants!!!
