Friday, October 7, 2011

Halloween Cute

Some cute Halloween decorating ideas from country curtains to Halloween banners and more.

I like to keep Halloween cute and fun inside. My hubby and older girls would not have it so but I give them free reign out front to spookify. Inside though I buy what I like and decorate more for me and the little kids.

Just little goodies picked up over the years. Each coming out for one month of fun each to delight the little trick or treaters in our neighborhood.

When else can you have a string of pumpkins and a witch over your head as you do dishes and it be perfectly acceptable?

Halloween banner, country curtains, chicken curtains


  1. Hi Elaine,
    You have the cutest Halloween decorations! I really need to get the rest of mine out before Halloween is over!

  2. Love your halloween decorating! I am with you--I like cute and fun inside. Outside my husband and kids have Frankenstein, spiders and all that stuff:)

  3. Yep, I like to leave the spookies for other folks. I prefer cute.
    : )

  4. It looks adorable Elaine. I love your kitchen valance and the swags are too cute!

  5. Love your cute approach to halloween decorating! So refreshing!

  6. Very cute! I love the little banner

  7. oh wow!! wow.. you've got the cutest Halloween decor ever.. Please can you link in to the party at Colours Dekor..

  8. This is great! I love the bunting. I hope you'll link up to my Wickedly Creative Halloween Ideas Party.
