Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Vintage In the Kitchen

I love changing things up in my kitchen and especially my little shelf. Red and yellow is my favorite color combo this year so I have been going with that theme in here this summer.

Took down some summer things but put in these pieces which still seem summery and bright. I am fighting the urge to think of fall.

Have to have some chickens. They really do like that while sitting on the nest.

The vintage Thermos' stay as they say back to school to me.

I am sharing this with Cozy Little House for Tweak It Tuesday.


  1. Your refreshed kitchen is so cute! I love the vintage thermoses on display. I do the same thing in my kitchen, the combination of textures and patterns is so appealing ;)

  2. Very nice! It's hard not to push the Fall decorating with the slight chill in the air we are experiencing. Great chicken lamp!

  3. Love all of your little pretties! Vintage things just pull at my heart strings! Have a beautiful day.
    be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  4. Hi there Elaine,

    I love the way you decorate :) Yellow and red colours joined together are so bright and cheery! And those chickens look so cute sitting on those little stools...

  5. You named your blog right, 'sunny' and cheerful is what I associate with your home and your kitchen is always so cozy and fun.

  6. Hi Elaine,
    I love yellow and red too they are such happy colors and your vintage shelf decor looks great! The thermos just stole my heart.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  7. Love it all, esp the thermos collection. I'm resisting the urge to pull out my fall decor, but I have to say, I think I'm fighting a losing battle! I.cannot.wait!

  8. So cute and fresh looking. I am still madly in love with the yellow gingham thermos
    blessigs to you.

  9. Love it Elaine. I am adding red to my kitchen which is painted yellow in our yellow house:)

  10. Love your vintage things...the gathering on your shelf looks great. I have that same rooster lamp...love it.

  11. Love your shelf and the 'tweaks' you made. I'm not ready for Fall yet! Summer summer for a few more weeks!

  12. love the colors together! not ready for fall...well, maybe just a little bit...very little...

  13. Sunny, bright and fun! Thank you for sharing!

  14. Hi Elaine--
    as always, I love to see your shelf re-do.
    It's like walking past the windows in down-town Dallas, when I was kid.
    You never knew what the display at Sanger Harris was going to be...but you knew it would be special.

    of course I love the chickens, Pat

  15. I love all your vintage things. They are just darling and do make me think back-to-school thoughts- xo Diana

  16. What a lovely kitchen. Ya'll are soooo creative. My house pretty much stays the same, except at Christmas. :-) I do like the chickens and the cannisters. Those thermoses take me back to school days (chocolate milk) and my Dad carrying his black lunch box every day with a big thermos of coffee.

  17. Your kitchen is always so lovely and the thermos collection on the shelf is wonderful. I really like the rolling pin though and like how you've displayed it.

    I have the rolling pin that belonged to my great-grandmother. It's handmade from one piece of wood. I've never found a great way to display it since I use it as well.

  18. Oh what a happy memory! My Grandma had the yellow flowered canisters and a cake carrier to match!

  19. I love the red and yellow together. I am also fighting the urge to change my kitchen to fall.

  20. Such a charming look...thanks for sharing it.


  21. I just love red and yellow in the kitchen and I aodre your vintage pieces!!


  22. Red and yellow my fave color. Changing colors and things inside our home is truly nice which is depends on our mood.
    You did a great job!
    Kitchen Remodeling

  23. Cute, cute, cute!
    Changing things up is always nice.

    Love the color combo!

    Smiles :)

  24. You have some of the neatest vintage pieces. I love your displays, always so pretty. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  25. I love the idea of vintage thermoses for back to school decor. Soooo cute and different. I also like the red and yellow together....tow of my favorite colors!

  26. Oh you know how I love red....partnered with yellow is pretty too....it looks so cheerful! I love it and love your vintage kitchen, Elaine!


  27. I love your kitchen, Elaine. It is so fun and cheerful :)

  28. Oh I just adore your vintage goodies Elaine!

  29. It's always so bright and sunny in your kitchen :)
    Greetings from Australia♥

  30. Your thermoses are adorable. I always love your pops of color. BTW, I think I have that same chicken hanging around here somewhere.

  31. Just now getting over here. Red and yellow has always been one of my fav color combos since childhood. How could anything be more cheerful?
