Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall - It's Official

Fall baking tips

It's here folks. Yeah!!! I  have been forcing that fall feeling around our home even though we still have been running our A/C when needed. I am in love with this new candle from Bath & Body. It is a close second to  my all time most favorite candle.

I also baked banana bread much to my daughter's delight. Her sister took her some fresh from the oven and made her morning.

I re-did my spice cabinet last year as I was not thrilled with the everything falling all over the place system I had before. I decided to contain everything in labeled baskets arranged by category. You can see my system here.

It has worked beautifully and the proof is I am still using it over a year later.


  1. I am accumulating quite a collection of "gone bad" bananas on the counter and in the freezer. Looks like maybe a marathon banana bread making session for me this weekend. The freezer will be well stocked after this!

  2. I just bought that candle too, and my pumpkin bread is waiting to be made today. I have over ripe bananas, so what's a girl to do?
    I am loving this weather.....and the weekend is supposed to be perfect!!!!

  3. Beautiful pics!! I wanna go to the mall now and get that candle! I'm thrilled Autumn is here too, just wish it didn't feel like Summer. We had perfect Fall weather last week, in the low 70's and dry!! Someone was even burning wood in their fireplace - mmmmmm, another sign of Fall :)

  4. Your banana bread looks wonderful and I will have to find those candy corn m&m's, I've never seen those:O

  5. OK I MUST find that candy corn it!!!!! and I smelled that candle the other day...heaven...and I think they might be on sale now?????? so now we are all ready for fall...BRING IT!!!!

  6. Great recipe! We use our soft bananas in pancakes.

  7. Not much to say today...except, I LOVE M&Ms...enjoy them!!

  8. Yumm, welcome Fall!Hugs and wishes for a joy filled weekend.

  9. Happy Fall! The banana bread looks delicious!

  10. Looks like Fall arrived at your house :)
    I haven't seen the M&M's yet...I'll have to keep my eyes open for them.
    Have a great day!

  11. Happy Fall! I just purchased the same candle and love it!

  12. When it gets just the slightest bit cooler out, I switch from floral-scented candles to cinnamon-y and cookie-scented ones. When my husband comes home, he always thinks that I've baked something wonderful! Happy First Day Of Fall!

  13. Hi Elaine,
    Your new candle sounds yummy! I would love to smell it, too bad that isn't possible through the computer.:) I love it when we employ a new way of doing something and it is still working a year later. Sounds like a winner.
    Your banana bread looks very good!
    Hugs, Cindy

  14. You are the ultimate homemaker! (I don't see any problem with your BlogHer...)

  15. :O I did not know that they made candy corn M&M's!!! *squee*

    Have you ever made French Toast from banana bread?

    And while I am asking questions...I just read about your all-time favortie candle, so tell us what the autumn candle smells like ;P

    Ricki Jill

  16. *favorite* but in my defense: there is a terrible glare on my laptop screen!!!

  17. The banana bread looks wonderful! Candy corn M&M's...I gotta find those!!!

  18. banana bread is the first thing I make for fall baking! I have my pantry baking items in the same containers for easy just to pull out.

  19. I am thinking about that banana bread for in the morning already! MAN,you're killing me here and I've been trying to be so good. Thank goodness we don't have BB&BY or I'd stay broke! I've got to get one of those candles though! Everything is perfect, Elaine as usual.

  20. I've promised myself a trip to the Country General store tomorrow after the houseworks finished and a new candle is definitely in order. The banana bread sounds wonderful. Pour me a cup of coffee and I'll be right over! Patty

  21. Walmart is suppose to be the place that will carry these! I can't wait!

  22. I've been looking for those M&Ms ~ Happy Fall!! Your banana bread looks perfect for the start of the season.

  23. You've got some wonderful autumnal sensory experiences going on there. Can't say I've ever seen those M&Ms before. I've got to look for those.

    Great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  24. Autumn for the senses! Love it. I have to look for the M&Ms!!! Happy FAll!

  25. Ahhh...that smells and taste delicious. I have to find that candle now:)

  26. Oh yum! I will have to hunt down this candle. I have been sniffing away at candles and no of them have been right! Thank you for linking it up at Home Sweet Home!
