If you are raising backyard chickens, I have a great winter forage source for you, winter rye.
Every fall I seed my back lawn with winter rye grass seed and it takes off quickly providing a food source for my urban chickens.
Rye grass is high in nutritive value and tolerates chickens grazing on it and is a great grass to grow for chickens to graze on.. Every morning when I open the coop, I let the girls out for some green grass munching. Even long after my St. Augustine lawn dies back from colder temps, the rye stays green and gives the chickens a constant source of greens through the winter. If you live in an area where it snows, I imagine you could grow it in trays. Once it is eaten down it will rapidly grow back if the trays were rotated.
Growing Grass For Chickens To Graze On:
- In early fall, for me September, I seed our back lawn with winter rye seed.
- Water daily until grass emerges.
- Wait to mow until the new rye grass is 3-4 inches tall.
- Allow chickens to graze on rye grass for additional winter nutrition for your urban chickens.
ReplyDeleteI m new to "chickening" and was wondering how many chickens can eat from one tray of fodder?
If you have a large feeder than quite a few. I had an average size feeder with 5 chickens.